C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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197 lines
* Experimental MIRACL C++ Header file
* AUTHOR : N.Coghlan
* Modified by M.Scott
* NAME : big.hpp
* PURPOSE : Definition of class Big
overload pow;
overload sqrt;
overload abs;
overload prime;
overload gcd;
overload root;
overload inverse;
overload rand;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "miracl.h"
class miracl
{ /* dummy class to initialise MIRACL */
miracl(int nd,small nb=MAXBASE) {mirsys(nd,nb);STROUT=TRUE;POINT=TRUE;}
class Big
big fn;
Big() { fn = mirvar(0); }
Big(int i) { fn = mirvar(i); }
Big(long lg) { fn = mirvar(0); lconv(lg,fn); }
Big(Big& b) { fn = mirvar(0); copy(b.fn,fn); }
Big(char* s) {fn=mirvar(0);strcpy(IBUFF,s);cinnum(fn,stdin);}
Big& operator=(int i) {convert(i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(const Big& b) {copy(b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(char* s){strcpy(IBUFF,s);cinnum(fn,stdin);return *this;}
Big& operator++() {incr(fn,1,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator--() {decr(fn,1,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator+=(int i) {incr(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator+=(const Big& b) {add(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator-=(int i) {decr(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator-=(const Big& b) {subtract(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator*=(int i) {premult(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator*=(const Big& b) {multiply(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator/=(int i) {subdiv(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator/=(const Big& b) {divide(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator%=(int i) {convert(subdiv(fn,i,fn),fn); return *this;}
Big& operator%=(const Big& b) {divide(fn,b.fn,b.fn); return *this;}
friend Big operator-(const Big&);
friend Big operator+(const Big&,int);
friend Big operator+(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator+(const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big operator-(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator-(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator-(const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big operator*(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator*(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator*(const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big operator/(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator/(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator/(const Big&, const Big&);
friend int operator%(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator%(const Big&, const Big&);
friend bool operator<=(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)<=0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator<=(const Big&,int);
friend bool operator<=(int,const Big&);
friend bool operator>=(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)>=0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator>=(const Big&,int);
friend bool operator>=(int,const Big&);
friend bool operator==(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)==0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator==(const Big&,int);
friend bool operator==(int,const Big&);
friend bool operator!=(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)!=0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator!=(const Big&, int);
friend bool operator!=(int, const Big&);
friend bool operator<(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)<0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator<(const Big&, int);
friend bool operator<(int, const Big&);
friend bool operator>(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{if (compare(b1.fn,b2.fn)>0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;}
friend bool operator>(const Big&, int);
friend bool operator>(int, const Big&);
friend Big sqrt(const Big&);
friend Big abs(const Big&);
friend bool prime(const Big& b) {return prime(b.fn);}
friend Big gcd(const Big&, const Big &);
friend Big pow(const Big&,int);
friend Big pow(const Big&, int, const Big&);
friend Big pow(const Big&, const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big inverse(const Big&, int);
friend Big inverse(const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big root(const Big&, int);
friend Big rand(const Big&);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, Big& x)
{ s >> IBUFF; cinnum(x.fn,stdin) ; return s; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Big& x)
{ cotnum(x.fn,stdout); if (STROUT) s << OBUFF; return s;}
~Big() {free((char *)fn); }
Big operator-(const Big& b) {Big nb; negate(b.fn,nb.fn); return nb;}
Big operator+(const Big& b,int i)
{Big abi; incr(b.fn, i, abi.fn); return abi;}
Big operator+(int i,const Big& b)
{Big aib; incr(b.fn, i, aib.fn); return aib;}
Big operator+(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{Big abb;add(b1.fn,b2.fn,abb.fn);return abb;}
Big operator-(const Big& b, int i)
{Big mbi; decr(b.fn, i, mbi.fn); return mbi;}
Big operator-(int i,const Big& b)
{Big mib;decr(b.fn, i, mib.fn);negate(mib.fn,mib.fn);return mib;}
Big operator-(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{Big mbb; subtract(b1.fn,b2.fn,mbb.fn); return mbb;}
Big operator*(const Big& b, int i)
{Big xbi; premult(b.fn, i, xbi.fn); return xbi;}
Big operator*(int i,const Big& b)
{Big xib; premult(b.fn, i, xib.fn); return xib;}
Big operator*(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{Big xbb; multiply(b1.fn,b2.fn,xbb.fn); return xbb;}
Big operator/(const Big& b, int i)
{Big dbi; subdiv(b.fn, i, dbi.fn); return dbi;}
Big operator/(int i,const Big& b)
{Big dib;convert(i,dib.fn);divide(dib.fn,b.fn,dib.fn);return dib;}
Big operator/(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{Big dbb; divide(b1.fn,b2.fn,dbb.fn); return dbb;}
int operator%(const Big& b, int i)
{Big mdbi; return(subdiv(b.fn,i, mdbi.fn));}
Big operator%(const Big& b1, const Big& b2)
{Big mdbb=b1;divide(mdbb.fn,b2.fn,b2.fn);return mdbb;}
Big sqrt(const Big& b) {Big z; root(b.fn, 2, z.fn); return z;}
Big abs(const Big& b) {Big z; absol(b.fn,z.fn); return z;}
Big gcd(const Big& b1,const Big& b2){Big z;gcd(b1.fn,b2.fn,z.fn);return z;}
Big pow(const Big& b,int n) {Big z; power(b.fn,n,z.fn,z.fn); return z;}
Big pow(const Big& b1,int n,const Big& b3)
{Big z; power(b1.fn,n,b3.fn,z.fn); return z;}
Big pow(const Big& b1,const Big& b2,const Big& b3)
{Big z; powmod(b1.fn,b2.fn,b3.fn,z.fn); return z;}
Big inverse(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{Big z; xgcd(b1.fn,b2.fn,z.fn,z.fn,z.fn);return z;}
Big inverse(const Big& b,int n)
{Big z=n; xgcd(b.fn,z.fn,z.fn,z.fn,z.fn);return z;}
Big root(const Big& b,int n) {Big z; root(b.fn,n,z.fn); return z;}
Big rand(const Big& b) {Big z; bigrand(b.fn,z.fn); return z;}
bool operator<=(const Big& b, int i) {Big z=i; return (b<=z);}
bool operator<=(int i, const Big& b) {Big z=i; return (z<=b);}
bool operator>=(const Big& b, int i) {Big z=i; return (b>=z);}
bool operator>=(int i, const Big& b) {Big z=i; return (z>=b);}
bool operator==(const Big& b, int i) {Big z=i; return (b==z);}
bool operator==(int i, const Big& b) {Big z=i; return (z==b);}
bool operator!=(const Big& b, int i)